DESIG*ness roadmap towards inclusiveness

Through these milestones we aim to give you an updated overview of our journey. At the end of our path, all our research, content and results will be available for everyone!


Milestone Title

Description of the milestone and its significance in the project's progress.


Milestone Title

Description of the milestone and its significance in the project's progress.


Milestone Title

Description of the milestone and its significance in the project's progress.


Milestone Title

Description of the milestone and its significance in the project's progress.

November 2023

DESIG*ness starts!

The project officially begins, marking the commencement of collaborative efforts among partners to integrate inclusivity principles into European academic environments.

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December 2023

Our kick-off meeting in NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Partners join a foundational meeting, setting the stage for collaborative synergy and alignment of project goals, methodologies, and expectations.

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January 2024

The Consortium Paper

A landmark publication highlighting the consortium's commitment to inclusivity in design within European Higher Education, outlining key objectives, role of partners, methodologies, and anticipated outcomes.

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May 2024

The Teacher Training Course

Initiation of advanced training for educators and students, focusing on effective implementation of inclusive practices in European Art and Design Academies.

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September 2024

Summer Schools Program in NABA, LMA and VDA

Conducting specialized summer programs to deepen understanding and application of inclusivity in design, fostering hands-on learning and interdisciplinary collaboration.

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September 2024

Partners meeting in Riga, at Art Academy of Latvia

Key consortium members gather at the Art Academy of Latvia to review progress, discuss strategies, and plan the next phases of the project, ensuring alignment and collaboration.

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November 2025

Guidelines for Design Inclusiveness

Publication of clear and pragmatic guidelines for inclusive design, providing a compass for integration into academic curricula and design processes.

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December 2025

Design*NESS Curricular modules on Design Inclusiveness

Development and integration of innovative curricular modules addressing design inclusiveness into academic programs, ensuring sustained impact beyond the project's duration.

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March 2026

Final partner meeting in Vilnius at Vilnius Academy of Arts

Culmination of collaborative efforts with a final meeting in Vilnius, reflecting on achievements, challenges, and future sustainability of inclusive design initiatives.

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May 2024

Inreach, outreach

Organizing a series of events to engage with stakeholders, share best practices, and foster dialogue on inclusivity in design within and beyond the consortium.

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April 2026

exchange events

Organizing a series of events to engage with stakeholders, share best practices, and foster dialogue on inclusivity in design within and beyond the consortium.

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April 2026

DESIG*ness will be all yours!

Project conclusion, marking the transition to full ownership and integration of inclusive design practices by participating institutions, ensuring sustained impact and legacy beyond the project's lifespan.

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